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Artificer: [ART-IF-ISS-URR] : Noun: A craftsman who makes things

Dagger - suitable for stage combat.

A stage-combat dagger - based around an old epee with a broken blade that has sat in my Dad's fencing bag for at least 40 years!

The pommel is original, and guard is steel strip hot-bent around a 3" pipe.   I cut the broken end down to the right length, and  added a blob of weld to the tip for safety.
The original French grip has been replaced with a paracord wrap over a stainless tube.


Non-traditional combined scabbard and frog, to carry the weapon at the small of the back, with a left-hand draw.
The engraving (by Sarah) on the scabbard translates to,
"Quench the fires of your pernicious rage" [Romeo & Juliet]


Copyright Peter Nicholson 2009. And just for spam-bots everywhere: