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Artificer: [ART-IF-ISS-URR] : Noun: A craftsman who makes things

Dagger - suitable for stage combat.

A stage-combat dagger - this one started as a large 2nd cut taper file.
I annealed it and ground off the teeth, then forged the tang out to give a full length stick tang.
The bevels were ground using a jig - no prizes for guessing the inspiration for the shape, although award yourself an extra mark if the words "gladius hispaniensis" crossed your mind, and an extra two marks if they were followed by "xiphos".
The guard was hot-forged from square brass bar, and the pommel was another left-over brass casting from the Box of Useful Items.
The grip is yew heartwood..


The balance point is, again, right on the guard.

Traditional separate scabbard and frog.

The engraving (by me this time) reads: "Gain he who may, glory before death" in Old English, written in Futhorc runes as is appropriate for an inscription on a weapon, and is a quote from Beowulf - I take this to be more or less equivalent to "Carpe diem" ("seize the day").



Copyright Peter Nicholson 2009. And just for spam-bots everywhere: