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Artificer: [ART-IF-ISS-URR] : Noun: A craftsman who makes things

Spyderco Mule MT01P...

OK, I didn't make the blade this time: Spyderco Mule Team blade in 52100 was bought in. I haven't the facilities to grind or HT this sort of steel - and it is a lovely knife to use, and too good a deal to turn down. Cocobolo scales, stainless Corby bolts, red and black fibre liners. Photos taken after a week of general use and carving - the blade has started to develop a nice patina. (This has improved and darkened with age).
Update after a couple of years of use: this knife has proved to be a real asset - edge-holding is excellent, and it is relatively easy to sharpen. It has done a lot of carving, and has survived several teaching sessions with the local Scout group.


Copyright Peter Nicholson 2009. And just for spam-bots everywhere: